Excellence in Biotechnology Training
Upcoming Biotechnology Training Workshops
All Bio-Trac Workshops are team taught by active researchers, and include hands-on laboratory and discussion groups. All attendees receive electronic copies of all handouts, complete laboratory protocols, as well as additional reference material. Attendee Guidelines for In Person Workshops
Gene Editing iPSCs with CRISPR / Cas9: This rigorous three day program is ideal for basic research and translational biology scientists who are looking for a balanced theoretical vs. hands-on introduction to gene editing iPSCs using CRISPR/Cas9. In this workshop, participants will be able to design CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing tools, deliver gene-editing tools into human iPSCs, and detect gene-editing events by PCR/ Surveyor Assay.
January 29-31, 2025 • Preregistration Form
R for Research Scientists: 'R' is a popular statistics software program used widely in various research fields. This two day lecture and hands-on computer based laboratory workshop is designed to introduce bench scientists to R programming, utilizing the different tools available for scientific data analysis. Hands-on topics will include Data Types; Import/Export Data; "Manipulation of Tabular Data", "Basic Statistics", and "Visualization using R".
February 10-11, 2025 • Preregistration Form
Best Practices in Mammalian Cell Culture: This three-day workshop is ideal for any researcher, biologist, technician, or individual who wants to gain a solid foundation in the successful cultivation of mammalian cells.
February 19-21, 2025 • Preregistration Form
Flow Cytometry: This four day program is ideal for those who are looking for an in-depth, hands-on introduction to Flow Cytometry. The instructors will focus on a broad spectrum of flow cytometric topics, discuss examples from various research applications, provide technical protocols for flow cytometric sample preparation, as well as data analysis, trouble shooting and experimental design. Attendees will have hands-on experience on three different flow platforms (Becton Dickinson, Miltenyi, Bio-Rad and Sony) as well as exposure to four software analysis programs.
March 11-14, 2025 • Preregistration Form
Single Cell RNA-Seq: This in-depth lecture and hands-on laboratory workshop (wet lab & in silica) is ideal for those research and bench scientists who are interested in a comprehensive introduction to single cell RNA-Seq. The core of this workshop is composed of highlighting key aspects of NSG and RNA-seq methodologies, with subsequent introduction into the modern armamentarium of tools to conduct these experiments. Further emphasis will be placed on such important aspects as sample preparation, quality control validation and enrichment as well as extensive use of different single cell RNA-Seq data analysis tools (Seurat, Monocle, Pseudo-time Analysis, Clustering Analysis in-depth: t-SNE and Principal Component Analysis).
March 24-27, 2025 • Preregistration Form
Gene Editing with CRISPR: This rigorous three day program is ideal for basic research and translational biology scientists who are looking for a balanced theoretical vs. hands-on introduction to CRISPR toolkit. Taught by active researchers, this workshop features several cutting-edge presentations delivered by experts in the CRISPR/Cas9 field along with an intensive schedule of laboratory exercises. This program will focus on CRISPR principles, strategies for successful project design, available expertise and resources, as well as a wealth of CRISPR technology diverse applications.
April 16-18, 2025 • Preregistration Form
Exosomes: Principles, Methods and Applications: Taught by leaders in the field, this 4-day class provides students with an exciting, up-to-date introduction to the field of exosomes, microvesicles, and other extracellular vesicles (EVs). Lectures cover our current understanding of the biochemistry, molecular, and cell biology of EV biogenesis and uptake, the functions and analysis of EV RNAs, and the latest approaches to purifying and analyzing exosomes and other EVs. These lectures are interwoven with hands-on laboratory instruction in which participants use well-validated protocols, reagents and kits from major manufacturers to purify exosomes and interrogate their protein and RNA content. Participants will leave the class with the conceptual framework and practical know-how necessary to explore the contribution of exosomes and other EVs to whatever biological question they are investigating.
May 13-16, 2025 • Preregistration Form
Spatial Biology Symposium: The symposium features esteemed experts from pathology, spatial biology, multiplex immunofluorescence, artificial intelligence, and translational medicine to explore the latest advancements in the field. Focused on predictive and prognostic models, this gathering offers captivating presentations and insightful discussions.
SAVE THE DATE: September 15-16, 2025 • Preregistration Form
"As always, Bio-Trac not only met my expectations, but exceeded them! I was immensely impressed with the class - both the lab work and lectures!"
Jennie Rowell PhD, RN
Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University
Gene Editing with CRISPR
"Bio-Trac courses are the sure way for one to jump start on a technique’s knowledge and applications base directly from experts and practitioners in the field."
Neil H Tan Gana
Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
Flow Cytometry
"It was my first experience with professional development workshop in the USA. It was well organized, flexible and friendly. It helped to put in order my preceding knowledge and gain more."
Larisa Ryzhara, MD, PhD
Staff Scientist II, Maine Medical Center Research Institute
Gene Editing with CRISPR
"By nature it was short and intense, yet it proved comprehensive and satisfying. Provided valuable hands-on lab experiences as well. Highly recommend and I look forward to other course offerings."
Jeffrey Stinson
Uniformed Services University for the Health Sciences (USUHS)
iPSC: Reprogramming, Differentiation and Gene Editing with CRISPR
"Courses such as this are essential if scientists and technologists want to keep up with the evolving genetic engineering technologies. In three days you leave with enough training information to build upon a backbone of knowledge that you didn’t have before!"
Uzma Hussain
Johns Hopkins University
Gene Editing iPSCs with CRISPR/Cas9
Bio-Trac offers wonderful workshops that provide up-to-date, useful technological information and knowledge important for my research applications.
Thuy Phung, MD, PhD
Baylor College of Medicine
Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Bio-Trac® in partnership with Montgomery College is proud to offer graduate/post graduate level hands-on laboratory training workshops for research scientists at the Bioscience Education Center’s state-of-the-art facility in Germantown, Maryland.
Over 17,000 Scientists Trained • 300 Scientist Instructors
Open to the scientific community, each Bio-Trac® workshop is designed by active researchers for bench and research scientists with focus on the latest relevant techniques necessary for laboratory research. Bio-Trac clients represent every major sector of the biotechnology industry and include attendees from across the globe.
Our 30+ year wealth of relationship capital and program management expertise enable us to develop, implement and deliver training on up-to-the-minute relevant innovations in biotechnology.
Who we’ve served