
CRISPR: BioPanel & Networking Event Recap

Montgomery College’s Bioscience Education Center (BEC) is the place to be, to see and to hear from some of the brightest life science minds in BioHealth Capital Region (BHCR).  Home to the region’s most important biotech workforce development and training programs, including; Bio-Trac, the graduate/post-graduate level program offering hands-on laboratory training workshops for research scientists, BioTrain, the incumbent worker…

Multiplex Immunofluorescence in Immune Oncology - Bio-Trac Biotechnology Training

Bio-Trac® Multiplex Immunofluorescence Symposium Recap

Bio-Trac, a leading biotechnology training organization in the BioHealth Capital Region (BHCR), just hosted its second annual Multiplex Immunofluorescence in Immune-Oncology Workshop and Symposium at Montgomery College’s Bioscience Education Center. Multiplex Immunofluorescence (mIF) in Immune-Oncology (I/O) is a rapidly advancing technology that aids researchers exploring the potential medical value of specific biomarkers. mIF also empowers…

Stem Cell-Bio Panel Dr. Mahendra Rao, Dr. Michael Ward, Dr. Amritha Jaishankar, Dr. Donald FInk, Dr. Jean-Philippe Richard

Bio-Trac® Stem Cells BioPanel & Networking Event Recap

On June 20, 2019 our BioPanel of renowned thought leaders from in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine discussed the state of the industry, the work they are doing, and the greatest opportunities they see emerging in the near future for an audience of stem cell industry professionals from Maryland and across the…